Ahhh at last....A post where I am not just teasing you with serious drumstep without you being to download it for home purposes, or your own mixing pleasure. Right now for me DRUMSTEP is where its at. Dubstep, yes its awesome and all of that but lets face it, its extremely mainstream now, all the hipster cool kids and ghettos kids kid kids newbs wobbling to their dubstep. Dont get me wrong i still love it, but drumstep is taking it back to my drumnbass roots while combining the new techiques from dubstep the result= orgasm.
When I first heard the begining of this I could not stand the skreetching noise leading up to something, but after reading the title of the song and listening to the overall vibe of the song its all fucken perfect. Definetly brings you to the darkside with some vampires, but really badass evil vampires we're not talking about twilight ladies. ;)
Itchy Robot is someone Iv'e been following on soundcloud, and youtube forever. And no where I could find a song downloadable finally I came across this track. He has a very specific bass and energy to his tracks. ENJOY GO APE SHITTT.
Urban Assault, one of the big names in the drumstep movement. What better movie then scarface to transform into a heavy masterpiece.
I love this track!! What I love about this track is that is starts out so beautiful, almost emotional and then without a whole shock to completely bring the opposite hard vibe it perfectly transitions into perfect breakdown. Alot more non-evil sounding then the rest of these tracks ;).
IF YOU THINK THAT YOU CANT TAKE NO MOREE..NO MOREE. This is a drumstep anthem if iv'e ever heard it. I picture a line of drumstep warriors marching through the streets singing to all the newbs destroying the scene, dubstep, and destroying with their strange looks.
This is another one of those cutesy to darkside kinda tracks. At first it sounds like some cute hiphop pop electro something going on, then it takes the same melody and transforms it!
ASS SO FAT YOU CAN SEE IT FROM THE FRONT. hahaa so sick....saved the best for last. DOWNLOAD THIS.*******